Al Chiaberta is a lifelong resident of Hubbard. Two months after graduating from Ursuline High School in 1970, Al joined
The United States Air Force. He chose
this branch because he had such a love of flying. He was inducted in Cleveland, Ohio with an
MOS of 81150. His boot camp experience
took place at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. He received training as Security Police, as
well as, a Parachute Rigger. When it was
completed he was sent overseas to Aviano, Italy for a three year period.
Al actively served in
the Air Force for 32 years. He was
discharged in 2006 at the rank of Master Sergeant from the Youngstown Air
Reserve Station. During his time he was
awarded the following honors: the United States Air Force Meritorious Service
Medal, Military Merit Medal, Armed Forces Air Medal, and the Humanitarian
Service Medal.
Since retired from the
military, Mr. Chiaberta has pursued a career as a carpenter. In 1990, Al became a lifetime member of VFW Post 3767. He joined because
his father was a member and he saw the good they afforded other veterans and
the community.