Brent Herzberger was raised
in Brookfield, Ohio. After graduating from Brookfield High School in 1989 he
enlisted into the Active Army. He attended basic training at Fort Leonard Wood,
MO where he graduated as a 12C Bridge Crewmember. His first duty station was
Fort Stewart, GA with the 3rd Engineer BN, 24th Infantry Division whom he
deployed with during Desert Shield and Desert Storm. His other active-duty
assignment was with the 50th Engineer CO, 2nd Infantry Division, Camp Pelham,
Korea. He was released from active duty, moved to Hubbard, Ohio and joined the
Pennsylvania National Guard in 1995. He was assigned to 1-107th Field
Artillery, Hermitage, PA for a year before he re-classed and became a
Horizontal Construction Engineer and was assigned to C Company, 216th Engineer
Battalion in Austintown Ohio. He deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi
Freedom from 2004 to 2005 with the 1st Infantry Division where they performed a
wide array of Engineering missions from road and airfield repairs, building
entry control points and the hardening of base perimeters. SFC Herzberger
returned from Iraq and was hired on as a Range Technician at Ravenna Training
& Logistics Site (RTLS) as it was known before becoming Camp Ravenna. In
2006 he was selected for an Active Guard & Reserve (AGR) Readiness NCO position
and promoted to Staff Sergeant to stand up three new Engineer Detachments under
the 16th Engineer Brigade at RTLS. In 2008, he was nominated for the
McClain-Haney NCO Award of Excellence for this task.
In 2009 he transferred to the
1192nd Engineer Company where he served as a Training NCO and was their Rear
Detachment Readiness NCO during their deployment in 2009 to Iraq. In 2013 he
was selected to take on the Course Manager position for the Warrior Leader
Course, with the 147th Regional Training Institute (RTI) and promoted to
Sergeant First Class. Here he was afforded an opportunity to take on the role
of an instructor developing young Non-Commissioned Officers to return them to
their units as capable leaders. During his time at the RTI, his course was
twice accredited to the highest standards by the United States Sergeants Major
Academy which led to the 147th RTI receiving an "Institute of Excellence”
rating both times. In 2017 he was selected to return to Camp Ravenna now known
as Camp James A. Garfield where he worked as a Range Operations NCO until his retirement.